
机械工程出国留学|2015年01月27日 13:35


  (一)麻省理工学院Massachusetts Inst of Tech- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
  1) Ocean Science &Engineering;
  2) Naval Architecture and Ship Design

  1. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (SMME)
  2. Master of Science in Ocean Engineering (SMOE)
  3. Master of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (SMNAME)
  4. Master of Science in Oceanographic Engineering (SMOGE, joint MIT/WHOI degree)
  5. Master of Engineering in Manufacturing
  6. Mechanical Engineer's (ME) degree
  7. Naval Engineer's (NE) degree
  8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (ScD), which differs in name only (this includes the joint MIT/WHOI degrees)

  点评:MIT可谓超牛级,其“海洋科学与工程”设在ME机械工程下面,提供Ocean Engineering; Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering等领域的MS和PhD学位。录取门槛为IETLS7分;IBT91;GRE没有最低要求。其只有秋季招生,每年9月开网申,12.1截止。总的来讲,MIT招收的都是大牛人或者怪才。此外,MIT在工程学院下面开设了Department of Earth,Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences,该专业提供了Program in Atmospheres, Oceans,and Climate (PAOC),在这个项目中申请人可以选择和海洋学相关的学科是Physical Oceanography和Chemical Oceanography,这2个研究方向更偏向于理论层面研究。MIT和一个研究机构Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)联合开设了海洋学的PHD项目,这个项目在海洋学研究领域处于全球领先地位,当然申请难度也很高。

  (二)密歇根大学安娜堡分校U of Michigan-Ann Arbor- Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
  1. Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) -Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  2. Master of Science-Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  3. Master of Science in Engineering-Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  4. Professional and /or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) -Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

  点评:Michigan的NA&ME系,主要研究 “海洋力学”,“海事系统设计”两大学术领域。两大主要研究领域下又细分为不同的方向(请见研究领域)。该系提供MS/MSE/M. Eng学位和PhD学位。录取门槛为T84,MELAB test: 80,IETLS6.5分;GRE最低要求为1200分。

  (三)新奥尔良大学U of New Orleans-College of Engineering- Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  1. M.S. in Engineering-Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  2. M.S. in Engineering Management-Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  3. Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Sciences-Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

  点评:UNO的NA&ME系可谓响当当,其主要致力于应用型研究,包含 “工程”,“工程管理”,“环境工程”以及“工程及应用科学” 等四大领域,并设有更细致的研究方向,请查看表中的具体方向。提供MS学位和PhD学位。录取门槛为T79-80,GPA3.0;GRE没有最低要求1100。建议作为“主攻大学”。


  加州大学伯克利分校UC-Berkeley—Dept. of Mechanical Engineering-Ocean Engineering
  1. MS, PhD, MS/PhD
  2. Professional Masters of Engineering Program (M. Eng)

  Berkeley海洋工程属于机械工程系下的一个分支,其具体研究方向包括漩涡与自由表面相互作用、水力弹性行为及多船体结构优化等,具体包括:vortex(水或风形成的漩涡)and free surface interaction; roll-motion damping and dynamics of ships; dynamic positioning of mobile offshore bases; hydro elastic(水力弹性)behavior of floating airports;waves in a two-layer fluid; marine composite materials; reliability-based structural design; fatigue behavior of marine materials; and high-speed multi-hull configuration(多体船构造)optimization; alternative renewable energy: floating offshore wind park; ocean wave energy。
  有两个国家重点实验室:Computational Marine Mechanics Laboratory (CMML) 和Richmond Model-Testing Facility (RFS)。录取门槛不高,但学校非常看重研究背景和个人本科院校,建议慎重考虑申请。

  (一)德州农工大学Texas A&M University—Dept. of Civil Engineering-Ocean Engineering

  1. Masters of Science
  2. Masters of Engineering
  3. Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Engineering

  点评:TAMU的海洋工程设立在土木工程学院下,规模不大,但是研究的领域非常广。由于是大众情人学校,所以申请人数很多,竞争也比较激烈,GRE成绩也必须大于400+760。TAMU使用的是Texas州网申,唯一比较头痛的就是网申时需要填写的内容比较多,比如申请人受教育信息要求从小学开始填写,而且要求填写本科课程等。套磁效果明显,奖学金比较乐观,一般PhD录取的给的都Offer,而且第二年或后面的学年都是会有TA或者RA的。所以建议可以考虑作为“主申大学”之一。此外,TAMU还是为数不多的几个开设有海洋学专业的学校,在Department of Oceanography 开设的有M.S. in Oceanography和PhD in Oceanography,算是给有志于海洋学研究的有志青年提供了良好的学科支持。学校录取标准也不高,一般来说GPA3.0,TOEFL90, GRE1200都有被录取的可能。

  (二)特拉华大学U of Delaware- Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Center for Applied Coastal Research   提供学位:
  1. Master of Ocean Engineering
  2. Doctor of Philosophy in Ocean Engineering

  点评:海洋工程是土木环境工程学院与地球海洋学院的合作项目,要求很高IBT 100,GRE1200以上。通过两个学院都可以申。被CEOE学院录取可以选择Advanced Degree in Marine Study;被CEE学院录取可以选择Advanced Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering。两个学院的申请截止日期不同,申请时也稍加留意。
  这个系里对海洋方面的专业设置比较健全,按学校网站的说法是:CEOE offers the following graduate degree programs: Master's degrees in Geography, Geology, Marine Policy, Marine Studies, Ocean Engineering, and Oceanography; a non-thesis Master of Marine Management (M.M.M.) degree; and PhD degrees in Geography Geology, Marine Studies, Oceanography, and Ocean Engineering。学校对奖学金也是有机会提供的,所以,Delaware是海洋学不错的选择。

  (三)斯蒂文斯理工学院Stevens Inst of Tech- Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
  1. Master of Engineering - Mechanical (M.E.)
  2. Degree of Mechanical Engineer
  3. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  点评:SIT斯蒂文斯理工学院的海洋工程与土木环境工程在同一系别下,研究的领域包括海洋观测和预报、沿海观测和分析、计算流体力学,海洋流体力学、声学。Ocean Engineering 只提供ME的学位,Maritime System有Master的学位。SIT对硬件的要求较低,IBT61,录取情况也比较乐观。建议作为主攻大学申请。

  (四)俄勒冈州立大学Oregon State University--School of Civil & Construction Engineering
  1. MS in Civil Engineering with a disciplinary focus in Coastal and Ocean Engineering
  2. PhD in Civil Engineering with a disciplinary focus in Coastal and Ocean Engineering

  点评:Oregon State俄勒冈州立大学的海洋工程专业设立在School of Civil & Construction Engineering土木工程学院下,是一个小而精的专业,主要是近海岸的科学研究,包括近岸流体学、沿海地区远程传感、湍流悬浮泥沙及海运、海啸的传播和泛滥结构的互相作用。
  虽然俄勒冈州立的综合排名不高,但是优越的地理位置给海洋工程的研究提供了得天独厚的条件。学校分别提供MS/PhD in Civil Engineering with a disciplinary focus in Coastal and Ocean Engineering。录取门槛不高,GPA:3.0, T80, G1200以上就有机会。


  (一)弗吉尼亚理工大学Virginia Tech-Dept. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
  M.S. in Ocean Engineering

  点评:VT弗吉尼亚理工大学的海洋工程和航空航天设在同一院系下,整个学院偏向于航空航天,海洋工程集中在湍流研究方便,并且只提供Master of Science 学位。VT申请需要寄送两份成绩单,一份到研究生院,一份到系上。录取门槛不高,GPA3.0, T80, G1250以上就有机会。

  (二)佛罗里达科技大学 Florida Inst of Tech--Dept. of Marine and Environmental Systems
  •MS - Ocean Engineering
  •MS - Oceanography-Biological Oceanography
  •MS - Oceanography-Chemical Oceanography
  •MS - Oceanography-Coastal Zone Mgmt.
  •MS - Oceanography-Geological Oceanography
  •MS - Oceanography-Physical Oceanography
  •Ph.D. - Ocean Engineering
  Ph.D. - Oceanography


  (三)新罕布什尔大学U of New Hampshire—Dept. of Earth Sciences
  MS Earth Sciences: Geology Option
  MS Earth Sciences: Ocean Mapping Option
  MS Hydrology
  MS Earth Sciences: Oceanography Option
  MS Earth Sciences: Geochemical Systems Specialization
  Ph.D. Earth and Environmental Sciences

  点评:新罕布什尔大学UNH也开设有地球科学的系别,分成了地质学、水文学(Hydrology)、海洋测绘学(Ocean Mapping)、海洋学(Oceanography)和地球化学(Geochemistry)等,其中海洋测绘学和海洋学在美国也是颇负盛名。有个专门的海岸海洋测绘中心Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (CCOM),不过学校对奖学金提供的不是很充足,家庭条件一般对奖学金有要求的同学要考虑下是否申请了。录取要求:Degrees: Doctorate, Master's ,Avg. U Grad GPA:3.3。


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